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Król Piratów

Licznik postów: 4,473
Miejscowość: Isola

niudeb, 08-01-2019, 02:26
No dobra lekki szok, ;p z tym owocem.

Tak swoja droga:
Skoro  roger wyplynal na grand line w wieku 49 lat, znalazl one piece w wieku 52, zginal w wieku 53 lat, to co on robil przez pozostale 48 lat?  Ktos ma jakies pomysly?

tez jak teraz przypominaja mi sie retrosy, jak rekrutowal do zalogi raileygha, to wygladal, jakby byl w wieku luffy'ego.
[Obrazek: il_340x270.2655346462_d9ok.jpg]


[Obrazek: jotaro.png]



Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 08-01-2019, 07:09

[Obrazek: 0000_-_My_Card_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0000_-_My_Card_B.jpg]

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Monkey D. Luffy

[Obrazek: 0001_-_Monkey_D._Luffy_BTS_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0001_-_Monkey_D._Luffy_BTS_B.jpg][Obrazek: 0001_-_Monkey_D._Luffy_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0001_-_Monkey_D._Luffy_B.jpg][Obrazek: P0001_-_Luffy-Tarou_A.jpg][Obrazek: P0001_-_Luffy-Tarou_B.jpg]

He's after the Yonkou Kaido's head! Monkey D Luffy arrives in Wano!
In Whole Cake Island he started a fight with the Yonko Big Mom and defeated two Commanders, Katakuri and Cracker. Now after bringing disruption to the New World, he heads to Wano! This place is known as Kaido's territory, what is Luffy after!? A direct confrontation against the one renowned as the World's Strongest Creature?! Will the pirate 'Straw Hat' once again bring about stormy seas!?

To defeat Kaido, he has forged a varied alliance with the samurai, Mink tribe and Heart Pirates!

Even though Momonosuke is still a child, Luffy accepted his wishes and formed an alliance with him as equals, the boy who wanted revenge for his father by defeating Kaido.

Zunisha's voice
Only Luffy and Momonosuke could hear Zunisha's cries. This is similar to Roger, who could hear the Voice of All Things, but how are they related!?

Close up
Will he be able to reunite with Luffy in Wano!?
There is the possibility of many people reuniting with Luffy. If more people become his nakama, will his power drastically increase, enough to change the situation?
Will Jinbe, who parted with them in WCI, be able to reunite?
Kid was defeated by Kaido. If he is rescued and becomes nakama, that would be quite reassuring.
Marco, who must protect Whitebeard's village - will it be hard for him to cooperate with Luffy!?
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Roronoa Zoro

[Obrazek: 0002_-_Roronoa_Zoro_BTS_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0002_-_Roronoa_Zoro_BTS_B.jpg][Obrazek: 0002_-_Roronoa_Zoro_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0002_-_Roronoa_Zoro_B.jpg][Obrazek: P0002_-_Zoro-Juurou_A.jpg][Obrazek: P0002_-_Zoro-Juurou_B.jpg][Obrazek: 0002_-_Roronoa_Zoro_BTS_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0002_-_Roronoa_Zoro_BTS_B.jpg]

Cytat:Zoro Preskip
The Santoryuu Pirate Swordsman who seeks to become the World's Strongest Swordsman!
He is a swordsman formerly invited to join Baroque Works, known by the epithet of 'Pirate Hunter'! To fulfil his promise with Kuina, he aims to become the WSS. Wielding his three-sword style, grasping a sword in both hands and in his mouth, he overwhelms his opponents with astonishing drive. After the Summit War, he trained under the Warlord Mihawk. He has a strong sense of duty, a masculine spirit. When his nakama are in a crisis, he plays a role like a vice-captain, delivering judgments with a cool head. 

His strength is second only to the captain, so he takes on an enemy organisation's second strongest. 

For the sake of his nakama, he will throw away his pride and bow his head to his arch enemy! He will not hesitate to sacrifice himself, such is the spirit of Bushido! 

Wado Ichimonji
The only sword that did not break during his battle with Mihawk. His one memento of his dear friend Kuina. 

Gallery Memo
In his character sheet, he professes to be a self made man. His female version drawn in an SBS would discard Santoryuu!?
Fem Zoro: Santoryuu? No way! My teeth will break. 

船長に次ぐ戦闘能力の高さ- Combat strength ranks just behind the captain 
服船長的な役割 - Vice Captain-like role
Cytat:Postskip Zoro
He transforms his three katanas into black blades and cuts down anyone in his way!
After undergoing fierce training under his sworn enemy, the warlord Mihawk, he reunited with the crew. He grew in strength thanks to having learned haki and is even more reliable than before! When they entered the New World, he defeated the strongest swordsman of Fishman Island in an instant and took down an executive of the Donquixote Family. In name and actuality, he has acquired the skill suited for a master swordsman. Even when danger approaches, he does not panic, but is able to calmly analyse the situation. He possesses the indomitable spirit that allows him to overcome any adversity. 

Armament haki
During training, he was not allowed to drink and acquired haki! When clad in haki, his swords other than Shusui can become black blades that won't be scratched!

Crushing his opponents through sheer force of will! Even without using haki, he was able to paralyse a Logia user and showed her the difference in strength between them.

He took down the giant Pica, and then the Pica clad in armament haki, in just two strokes! The first time he used it, his secret technique was crushed by Mihawk, but two years later it has become incomparably stronger! 

Gallery Memo
Even from the rough sketch, it was decided that he would have an eyepatch or a wound over his left eye! Maybe even a tattoo on his right arm!?
The 'murderous ronin' Zorojuro - wanted by the entire country of Wano!
The Straw Hats infiltrated Wano ahead of Luffy and the others. Until they could gather allies and prepare for the battle ahead, Zoro was to lay low... or so he was supposed to!! Zoro was blamed for the crimes of grave robbing and 'tsujikiri' (street murders) and is currently a nationally wanted criminal of Wano. Currently he is in hiding but still being pursued. Nonetheless, Zoro's swordsmanship is still quite good, even for the country of Wano where many strong people reside. He's fighting off assassins one after another! 

Zoro was very confident before setting out for Wano. Can he use his Santoryuu, yet still pass as one of the strong Wano samurai!?
Although his nakama were agitated and shaken by Sanji's departure from the crew, Zoro's gaze does not waver from the goal ahead!

Shusui is the national treasure of Wano! The predecessor to Zoro's Sandai Kitetsu, the Nidai Kitetsu has appeared!!

The sin of grave robbing
Zoro was accused of grave robbing because he was in possession of Shusui. But the culprit was probably Moria, who created Ryuma's zombie.

Gallery Memo
The pattern and design of Zoro's katanas were created one by one!
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[Obrazek: 0003_-_Nami_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0003_-_Nami_B.jpg][Obrazek: 0003_-_Nami_BTS_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0003_-_Nami_BTS_B.JPG]

She can control the weather like it was magic! Opening up a path through the New World!
The navigator who was sent by Bartholomew Kuma to Weatheria. A place where old men who research weather science live, a legendary sky island. She was ashamed at how powerless she had been and devoted herself to two years of studying for the sake of gaining the power to protect Luffy and her nakama. She also developed beautifully. Currently, she wields the new weapon Sorcery Clima Tact and can make the weather itself into her ally, playing an important role in fights and battles. Nami is a! A magician who leads the way through navigation.

She can freely use miraculous weather science, saving the crew as a priceless asset in battle!

For the sake of the children, she summons her courage! Developing the maternal instinct of her step mother!

Female navy soldier
Thoughts of Bellemere are still with her. She still sees the image of that kind female soldier, her stepmother, in her mind.

Gallery memo
Healthier and sexier, revealing and expensive clothes were suggested for post timeskip Nami's design. Particularly for her hairstyle, there were elements of trial and error.
Cytat:Nami (pre-ts)

Debut: Vol. Ch. 8
Epithet: Cat burglar

Strawhat Pirates

Gender: Female
Ship: Thousand Sunny
Bday: July 3
Age: 18 years old
Height: 169 cm.
Measurements: B 95cm. (I cup) W55cm. H 85cm.
Color representaion: Orange
Number representation: 03, 73
Bedtime - Wake-up time:
11:00 pm - 7:00 am
Dislikes: Orengette
(fruits should be eaten directly)
Bounty: 16 million.

20 years ago: Found and picked up by Bellemere at Oykot Kingdom, East Blue
10 years ago: Foster mother Bellemere was killed
10 years ago: Joined the Arlong Pirates
2 years ago: Met Luffy and others
2 years ago: Left Arlong Pirates, officially joined Strawhat Pirates.
2 years ago: Due to the incident happened at Ennies Lobby, She gained a bounty of 16 million.
2 years ago: Studied weather science at Weatheria Sky Island.

Gallery Memo: Oda initially planned for Nami to have an Ax as a weapon. Her male version really looks like Luffy.

Go D. Usopp


[Obrazek: 0004_-_Usopp_BTS_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0004_-_Usopp_BTS_B.JPG][Obrazek: 0004_-_Usopp_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0004_-_Usopp_B.jpg]

Cytat:The top part is his history (weakling, dream of being a brave warrior of the sea, and how he rose to "God Usopp")

As for the timeline: 
Before ??: the passing of his sick mother
Before ??: the founding of the Usopp Pirates
Before 2: disbanding of the Usopp Pirates and joining the Mugiwara crew
Before 2: he withdrew from the Mugiwara crew once at Water 7
Before 2: As the "King of Snipers", Sogeking, he earned a bounty of 30 mil!
Before 2: Re-enters the Mugiwara crew
Before 0: Once again reunites with the Mugiwara crew!
Before 0: After the Dressrosa turmoil, his bounty becomes 200 mil!

Vinsmoke Sanji

[Obrazek: 0005_-_Sanji_BTS_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0005_-_Sanji_BTS_B.JPG][Obrazek: 0005_-_Sanji_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0005_-_Sanji_B.jpg]

"I won't let anyone go hungry!"
First appearance: Manga Volume 5, Ch.43
Alias: Black Leg`
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: CoA, CoO
Affiliation: Vinsmoke Family

Straw Hat Pirates:Chef
[File / Profile]
Sex: Male
Ship: Thousand Sunny
Birthday: March 2
Age: 21 years old
Height: 180cm
Constellation: Pisces
Blood type: S type RH-
Origin: North Blue
Like: Spicy seafood pasta, whatever goes well with black tea
[Bounty] 360 million Berry
Voice actor: Hirata Hiroaki

[History / History]
? Years ago: Boarded the passenger ship, Orbit, into the East Blue
11 years ago: Opened the sea restaurant, Baratie, with Zeff.
? Years ago: Started smoking
2 years ago: Left Baratie and joined the Straw Hat Pirates
2 years ago: Fought on Enies Lobby gaining a bounty of 77 million Berry!
0 years ago: Reunited with the Straw Hat Crew!
0 years ago: Bounty rises to 177 million Berry after the chaos in Dressrosa!
0 years ago: After escaping from Whole Cake Island, his bounty rose to 330 million Berry!

Cytat:Sanji preskip
Pouring love into women and cooking, a 'top class chef of the sea'!
Somewhere in the world, there is a rare sea restaurant known as Baratie. Sanji was the vice head chef who undertook an apprenticeship under Zeff. Now he serves as the cook of the Straw Hat crew. Outside of preparing food, he has vowed not to use his sensitive hands! He loves women; even if they are his enemies he will not raise a hand against them.

The principles that Zeff drilled into him, Sanji keeps close to his heart. The skills that he has honed, his cooking and fighting skills are considered top class. Now with the moniker of 'Black Leg', Sanji demonstrates his skills in fulfilling the crew's dietary needs!

Sanji's trump card is Diable Jambe, a white hot heat generated by friction!

When the enemy uses food ingredients, he shows off kitchen knives in battle!

In an instant, his quick wit saves the crew from a predicament! He is like an adviser.

All Blue
A place where all the fishes of all the seas gather, a cook's paradise! Sanji's dream is to make it there.

Gallery Memo
Smoking a cigarette and wearing a suit, the 5th nakama. The concept sketches show his name and role were decided beforehand. In the initial stages of conceptualising the crew, Sanji's design was confirmed.

Before 21 Born in Germa kingdom
Before ?? Left Germa and became an apprentice on board the Orbit
Before 11 Cook Pirates were attacked and ran into a storm. Sanji and Zeff stranded together on a desert island for 85 days
Before ?? Became vice head chef at Baratie
Before 02 Met Luffy and became the Straw Hat pirates cook
Before 02 Gained a bounty of 77 million.

参謀 - counsellor, adviser - well it's not Vice Captain but I hope this will do 
参謀的 - like an adviser
副船長的 - like a Vice Captain
Well looks like we got secondary roles for some characters but apparently they don't count because reasons [Obrazek: clear.png] So interpret this information however you will and be careful what you wish for because you just might get it

Tony Tony Chopper

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Nico Robin

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[Obrazek: 0010_-_Jinbe_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0010_-_Jinbe_B.JPG]


Debut: Manga Vol.54 Ch. 528
Epithet: "Knight of the Sea Jinbe"
Haki: CoA, CoO
Race: Whale shark Fishman
Other: The 2nd captain of the Sun Pirates
Other: Former Oka Shichibukai

The Straw Hats/Helmsman

Gender: Male
Affiliated to Ship: Thousand Sunny
Birthday: April. 2nd
Age: 46
Height: 301cm (9'10.5'')
Zodiac Sign: Aries
Blood Type: F
Hometown: Ryugu Kingdom·Fishman District
Favorite food: seaweed vinegar, fruits
Bounty438 million Belis
Voice Actor: Gouri Daisuke → Houki Katsuhisa

Betting his life to commit to his faith!!
The Fishmans' oyabun who aspires to the dream of the "Sun"!!
Jinbe, the captain of the Sun Pirates, is fierce enough to be one of the Shichibukais. He met Luffy when they were breaking out of Impel Down. Later, he saved Luffy's life multiple times.
After the Summit War, Jinbe joined the Big Mom Pirates and became her subordinate. As Luffy invited him, Jinbe decided to join the Straw Hats. He is the Knight of the Sea, who values his nakama's lives and the peace of the Fishman Island the most when acting. Right now, he walks on the path which delivers his heart.

The Responsibility of Cutting Arlong Loose
As a pardon of Jinbe joining Shichibukai, Arlong was released from Impel Down. Jinbe keeps blaming himself for his little bro's misbehaving.

Gallery Memo
It looks like in the beginning, there are settings that make Jinbe to present as the wirepuller of Arlong, or let him deliver the Ace's final message to Luffy.

*Using the water that is gathered at his fists, Jinbe knows the arcana of Fishman Karate, which allows him to penetrate his enemies' bodies. His body is strong and tough enough to blow off even Big Mom!
*Jinbe knows the attributes of the sea and the movements of the waves by heart. With that tremendous knowledge and techniques on the helm, he leads the way for Thousand Sunny.

Before46: Born in the Fishman District
Before??: Became a commissioned officer in the Neptune Army
Before15: Joined the Sun Pirates
Before12: Became the captain of the Sun Pirates
Before11: Joined the Oka Shichibukai
Before02: Quitted the Oka Shichibukai, assisted the Whitebeard Pirates in the Summit War
Before02: Joined in the Big Mom Pirates and became a subordinate
Before00: Resigns from the captain position of the Sun Pirates, declares to join the Straw Hats.
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Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 08-01-2019, 13:54
W zasadzie większość kluczowych info mamy w tym temacie, ale postanowiłem się podjąć nieco mozolnego zadania, powoli będę wstawiał opisy razem z kartami, trochę tego jest więc zajmie to nieco czasu.
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[Obrazek: poster.jpg][Obrazek: special_card_2.jpg]Taki jeszcze bonusik - okładki paczek, segregator na karty itd.
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Gol D. Roger

[Obrazek: 0014_-_Gol_D._Roger_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0014_-_Gol_D._Roger_B.jpg]

Cytat:[Gol D. Roger]
Gol D. Roger
"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place. Now you'll just have to find it!."
First appearance: Manga Volume 1
Alias: Pirate King
Devil Fruit: N/A
Haki: N/A
Affiliation[Obrazek: clear.png] Clan

[Roger Pirates / Captain]
[File / Profile]
Sex: Male
Ship: Oro Jackson
Birthday: December 31st
Age: 53 years old (24 years ago)
Height: 274cm
Constellation: Capricorn
Blood type: S type
Place of origin: East Blue: Logue Town
Favorite Food: Sake, Shark
Voice actor: Otsuka Chikao ( formerly ) Kusao Takeshi ( current )

[History / History]
28 years ago: Suffering from an incurable disease
27 years ago: fierce clash with Shiki in the Battle of the Edd War
25 years ago: Dominated the "Grand Line"
24 years ago: surrendered to the World Government
24 years ago: Was sentenced to death in Logue Town
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[Obrazek: 0017_-_Shanks_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0017_-_Shanks_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0017_-_Shanks_B.jpg]

[font]"Come on, we'll be your opponents!"[/font]
[font]First appearance: Manga Volume 1[/font]
[font]Alias: Red Hair[/font]
[font]Devil Fruit: N/A[/font]
[font]Haki: CoC, CoA, and CoO[/font]
[font]Affiliation: N/A[/font]

[font][Red Hair Pirates / Leader][/font]
[font][File / Profile][/font]
[font]Sex: Male[/font]
[font]Ship: Red Force[/font]
[font]Birthday: March 9[/font]
[font]Age: 39 years old[/font]
[font]Height: 199cm[/font]
[font]Constellation: Pisces[/font]
[font]Blood type: XF type[/font]
[font]Origin: West Blue[/font]
[font]Favorite Food: Kimchi fried rice, Lobster[/font]
[font]Voice actor: Ikeda Shuichi[/font]

[font][History / History][/font]
[font]25 years ago: Roger Pirates disbanded[/font]
[font]? Years ago: Red Hair Pirates were established[/font]
[font]? Years ago: Became one of the "Four Emperors"[/font]
[font]13 years ago: Docked in Windmill Village[/font]
[font]12 years ago: Entrusted his straw hat to Luffy[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Ended the war[/font]
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Lucky Roo

[Obrazek: 0018_-_Lucky_Roo_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0018_-_Lucky_Roo_B.jpg]

Cytat:[font][Lucky Roo][/font]
[font]Lucky Roo[/font]
[font]"Pirates always have fun!"[/font]
[font]First appearance: Manga Volume 1[/font]
[font]Alias: N/A[/font]
[font]Devil Fruit: N/A[/font]
[font]Haki: N/A[/font]
[font]Affiliation: N/A[/font]

[font][Red Hair Pirates / Fighter][/font]
[font][File / Profile][/font]
[font]Sex: Male[/font]
[font]Ship: Red Force[/font]
[font]Birthday: July 6th[/font]
[font]Age: 35 years old[/font]
[font]Height: 241cm[/font]
[font]Constellation: Cancer[/font]
[font]Blood type: F type[/font]
[font]Origin: South Blue[/font]
[font]Like: Chicken (he's on a diet)[/font]
[font]Voice actor: Domon Jin[/font]

[font][History / History][/font]
[font]? Years ago: Joined the Red Hair Pirates[/font]
[font]? Years ago: Got Gum-Gum Fruit from an enemy ship[/font]
[font]13 years ago: Docked in Windmill Village[/font]
[font]12 years ago: The Gum-Gum fruit that was had was eaten by Luffy.[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Participated in the War of the Best[/font]
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Go D. Yasopp

[Obrazek: 0019_-_Yasopp_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0019_-_Yasopp_B.jpg]

[font]"I can even shoot the whiskers off an ant!"[/font]
[font]First appearance: Manga Volume 1[/font]
[font]Alias: Chaser[/font]
[font]Devil Fruit: N/A[/font]
[font]Haki: N/A[/font]
[font]Affiliation: N/A[/font]

[font][Red Hair Pirates / Sniper][/font]
[font][File / Profile][/font]
[font]Sex: Male[/font]
[font]Ship: Red Force[/font]
[font]Birthday: August 2[/font]
[font]Age: 47 years old[/font]
[font]Height: 183cm[/font]
[font]Constellation: Leo[/font]
[font]Blood type: S type[/font]
[font]Place of origin: East Blue: Syrup Village[/font]
[font]Like: Fresh seasonal fish[/font]
[font]Voice actor: Kobayashi Michitaka[/font]

[font][History / History][/font]
[font]? Years ago: Met Shanks in Syrup Village[/font]
[font]? Years ago: Joined the Red Hair Pirates[/font]
[font]13 years ago: Docked in Windmill Village[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Participated in the War of the Best[/font]
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Benn Beckman

[Obrazek: 0020_-_Benn_Beckman_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0020_-_Benn_Beckman_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0020_-_Benn_Beckman_B.jpg]

Cytat:[font]Ben Beckman[/font]

[font]"Despicable? Don't say such naive words. You think we're saints?"[/font]
[font]First appearance: Manga volume 1[/font]
[font]Alias: N/A[/font]
[font]Devil Fruit: N/A[/font]
[font]Haki: N/A[/font]
[font]Affiliation: N/A[/font]

[font][Red Hair Pirates / Vice Captain][/font]
[font][File / Profile][/font]
[font]Sex: Male[/font]
[font]Ship: Red Force[/font]
[font]Birthday: November 9[/font]
[font]Age: 50 years old[/font]
[font]Height: 206cm[/font]
[font]Constellation: Scorpio[/font]
[font]Blood type: X type[/font]
[font]Origin: North Blue[/font]
[font]Favorite Food: Fish cake[/font]
[font]Voice actor: Sogabe Kazuyuki ( former ) Tahara Aruno ( current )[/font]

[font][History / History][/font]
[font]? Years ago: Joined the Red Hair Pirates[/font]
[font]? Years ago: Became the V.C of the Red Hair Pirates[/font]
[font]13 years ago: Docked in Windmill Village[/font]
[font]12 years ago: Defeated Higuma's bandits[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Participated in the War of the Best[/font]
Jedna z najbardziej przereklamowanych i najnudniejszych postaci w One Piece
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[Obrazek: FPZJ5OUUcAIsrmt?format=jpg&name=large]



Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 08-01-2019, 15:18

[Obrazek: 0022_-_Makino_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0022_-_Makino_B.jpg]

Cytat:[Obrazek: Makino.jpg]
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[Obrazek: 0023_-_Higuma_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0023_-_Higuma_B.jpg]

Cytat:[Obrazek: Higuma.jpg]
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[Obrazek: 0028_-_Koby_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0028_-_Koby_B.jpg]

[font]"I will definitely be an admiral one day!"[/font]
[font]First appearance: Manga Volume 1[/font]
[font]Alias: N/A[/font]
[font]Devil Fruit: N/A[/font]
[font]Haki: CoO[/font]
[font]Affiliation: N/A[/font]

[font][Navy Headquarters / Captain][/font]
[font][File / Profile][/font]
[font]Sex: Male[/font]
[font]Ship: Garp's warship[/font]
[font]Birthday: May 13[/font]
[font]Age: 18 years old[/font]
[font]Height: 167cm[/font]
[font]Constellation: Taurus[/font]
[font]Blood type: F type[/font]
[font]Origin: East Blue[/font]
[font]Like: Rika's rice balls, Steamed potatoes[/font]
[font]Voice actor: Doi Mika[/font]

[font][History / History][/font]
[font]4 years ago: Accidentally boarded Alvida's ship[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Escaped from Alvida[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Joined the Navy[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Became a captain[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Participate in the War on the Best[/font]
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[Obrazek: 0029_-_Alvida_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0029_-_Alvida_B.jpg]

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Cytat:[Obrazek: Alvida.jpg]
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[Obrazek: 0041_-_Koushirou_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0041_-_Koushirou_B.jpg]

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[Obrazek: 0046_-_Buggy_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0046_-_Buggy_B.jpg]

[font]"All the treasure in the world will be mine!"[/font]
[font]First appearance: Manga Volume 2, Ch.9[/font]
[font]Alias: Buggy the Clown[/font]
[font]Devil Fruit: Bara Bara no mi ( Chop-Chop Fruit )[/font]
[font]Haki: N/A[/font]
[font]Affiliation: N/A[/font]

[font][Buggy Pirates/Captain (Buggy/Alvida Alliance)][/font]
[font][File / Profile][/font]
[font]Sex: Male[/font]
[font]Ship: Big Top[/font]
[font]Birthday: August 8th[/font]
[font]Age: 39 years old[/font]
[font]Height: 192cm[/font]
[font]Constellation: Leo[/font]
[font]Blood type: F type[/font]
[font]Origin: Grand Line[/font]
[font]Favorite Food: Hot Dogs[/font]
[font]Bounty: 15 million Berry[/font]
[font]Voice actor: Chiba Shigeru[/font]

[font][History / History][/font]
[font]? Years ago: Ate the Chop-Chop fruit[/font]
[font]25 years ago: Roger Pirates disbanded[/font]
[font]? Years ago: Buggy Pirates were established[/font]
[font]2 years ago: defeated by Luffy, sent flying to an island far away[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Formed an alliance with Alvida[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Arrested by Navy and sent to Impel Down[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Escapes from I.D[/font]
[font]2 years ago: Participated in the War on the Best[/font]
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Mohji i Richie

[Obrazek: 0049_-_Mohji__Richie_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0049_-_Mohji__Richie_B.jpg]

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Boodle i Shushu

[Obrazek: 0052_-_Boodle__Shushu_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0052_-_Boodle__Shushu_B.jpg]

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[Obrazek: 0055_-_Cabaji_A.jpg][Obrazek: 0055_-_Cabaji_B.jpg]

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[Obrazek: FPZJ5OUUcAIsrmt?format=jpg&name=large]



Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 08-01-2019, 16:26
Anjou, Monstar, Mikio Itoo, Gyoru, Chiken, Woop Slap, Heppoko, Peppoko, Poppoko, Rika, Soro

[Obrazek: EX_Characters_A.jpg][Obrazek: EX_Characters_B.jpg]

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[Obrazek: Skill_0001_B.jpg]

[Obrazek: Skill_0001_A.jpg]

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Dobra starczy na dzisiaj Tongue
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janek z

Legendarny pierwszy oficer

Wiek: 29
Licznik postów: 1,282
Miejscowość: Warszawa

janek z, 09-01-2019, 06:55
(07-01-2019, 23:40)Dejo napisał(a): Tylko chyba oczywiste w jakim sensie silniejszego Wink

(08-01-2019, 01:13)Dzik napisał(a): Nieciekawie wygląda ta sprawa z Mihawkiem, już przy Doflamingo ludziom pękały zady, bo nie sprostał swojemu hajpowi, boję się pomyśleć, co się stanie przy Michasiu gdy w końcu padnie. Big Grin
(08-01-2019, 21:06)Dejo napisał(a):
Nieciekawie wygląda ta sprawa z Mihawkiem, już przy Doflamingo ludziom pękały zady, bo nie sprostał swojemu hajpowi, boję się pomyśleć, co się stanie przy Michasiu gdy w końcu padnie. Big Grin
Będzie ból dupsk na niespotykaną dotąd skalę, zwłaszcza jak posprząta go jakiś pastuch Big Grin

Prawda jest taka że Mihawk to poziom co najmniej Admirała, twierdził bym nawet że Yonkou i to wasze dupska będą piekły jak Mihawk pokaże swoją moc  Big Grin
[Obrazek: d7354cb3418f36196b14823696064d80.jpg]

Super świeżak

Licznik postów: 233

Dzik, 09-01-2019, 12:14
(09-01-2019, 06:55)janek z napisał(a): Prawda jest taka że Mihawk to poziom co najmniej Admirała, twierdził bym nawet że Yonkou i to wasze dupska będą piekły jak Mihawk pokaże swoją moc  

Tą piosenkę grali już przy Doflamingo Big Grin


Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 09-01-2019, 15:07
Vivre Card Booster Pack 01/02

Piraci Go D. Usoppa

[Obrazek: 0059_-_Usopp_Pirates_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0059_-_Usopp_Pirates_B.JPG]

Cytat:Usopp pirates
First appearance: volume 3, chapter 23
Name: -
Fruit: -
Haki: -
Surname: -
Misc: -
Piiman's (bell pepper) Profile:
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/9
Age: 11 y.o.
Height: 120cm
Zodiac sign: Aries
Blood type: XF
Place of origin: East Blue, Syrup Village
Favorite foods: stuffed bell peppers
Seiyuu: Miyuki Kawashou
Ninjin's (carrot) Profile:
Sex: Male
DOB: 2/2
Age: 11 y.o.
Height: 127cm
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Blood type: X
Place of origin: East Blue, Syrup Village
Favorite foods: carrot juice
Seiyuu: Noriko Yoshitake, Miki Fukui, Aiko Hibi
Tamanegi's (onion) Profile:
Sex: Male
DOB: 4/10
Age: 11 y.o.
Height: 124cm
Zodiac sign: Aries
Blood type: S
Place of origin: East Blue, Syrup Village
Favorite foods: fried onion rings
Seiyuu: Makiko Oomoto


[Obrazek: 0062_-_Kuro_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0062_-_Kuro_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0063_-_Kaya_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0063_-_Kaya_B.JPG]

First appearance: volume 3, chapter 24
Name: -
Fruit: -
Haki: -
Surname: -
Misc: -
Sex: Female
DOB: 8/24
Age: 19 y.o.
Height: 169cm
Zodiac sign:
Blood type: F
Place of origin: East Blue, Syrup Village
Favorite foods: any seafood (literal: "marine products")
Seiyuu: Mariko Kouda


[Obrazek: 0066_-_Jango_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0066_-_Jango_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0067_-_Sham_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0067_-_Sham_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0068_-_Buchi_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0068_-_Buchi_B.JPG]

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Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 09-01-2019, 15:31

[Obrazek: 0076_-_Zeff_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0076_-_Zeff_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0078_-_Patty_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0078_-_Patty_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0081_-_Gin_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0081_-_Gin_B.JPG][Obrazek: 0081_-_Gin_A.JPG]

Cytat:Bounty on head of Gin is 12 Million
Gin, 27 years old, 186 cm


[Obrazek: 0082_-_Carne_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0082_-_Carne_B.JPG]

Don Krieg

[Obrazek: 0084_-_Krieg_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0084_-_Krieg_B.JPG]

Dracule Mihawk

[Obrazek: 0085_-_Dracule_Mihawk_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0085_-_Dracule_Mihawk_B.JPG]

Cytat:According to Mihawk's history in 'Vivre Card' he joined the warlords after his conflicts with Shanks.

Dracule Mihawk
'Strive with all your heart and mind to best this sword!'
Debut: Volume 6 chapter 50
Name: 'Hawk-Eyes' Mihawk
Haki: Observation, Armament
Royal Seven Warlords
Sex: Male
Affiliated Ship: N/A
Birthday: March 9
Age: 43
Height: 198cm
Star Sign: Capricorn
Blood type: S
Origin: ?
Favourite foods: Red wine
Bounty: ?
Voice Actor: Kakegawa Hirohiko

He sits atop as the strongest, gazing down at his prey. The World's Strongest Swordsman!
He rose to renown even before the Great Age of Piracy. Even now he reigns supreme as the World's Best in name and actuality, an exceptional master swordsman. For years he devoted himself to training and after he could no longer find strong foes, Mihawk joined the Warlords. Even without a crew, he traverses the seas in proud solitude and spends his days killing time and enjoying himself. Though Hawk-Eyes strikes fear into the hearts of those who follow the way of the sword, he looks forward to the future, to the day when he will meet the swordmaster that surpasses his rival 'Red Hair'.

A single sweep of one of the Twelve Supreme Grade Swords, Mihawk's beloved blade. He takes pride in the peerless durability of his black blade.

He taught swordsmanship to a man aiming for his head. When Zoro roused himself, he remembered Mihawk's teachings.

Gallery Memo
Mihawk's initial design. His alias used to be 'Clairvoyant'?!
Kid Mihawk
Genderbent Mihawk

Not only can he discern a person's talent for the sword, he can also see the true strength of those that would stand before him.

Before 24 - Witnesses the start of the Great Age of Piracy
Before ?? - competes ruthlessly with Red Hair
Before ?? Joins the Warlords
Before 02 Participates in the Summit War
Before 02 - trains Zoro in swordsmanship

名実共に - 'In name and in substance', aka Mihawk really is the WSS
世界一の座に君臨し - 'Rules atop the throne of 'World's Strongest [swordsman]'. Funnily enough Garp also uses 君臨 to describe the Yonko ruling the New World. So Mihawk has a throne all of his own, which was also reflected in his speech to Zoro at Baratie. But nah he ain't a conqueror of anything, impossible... 
赤髪を凌ぐ使い手 - 'The master [swordsman] who exceeds Red Hair' 
千里眼 - Clairvoyance/clairvoyant - Mihawk has FS confirmed?  
Cytat:More specifically, Mihawk’s VC states 剣の腕を巡り 赤髪と鎬を削る to describe Shanks. 
剣の腕 - sword skill 
巡り - around 
赤髪 - Red Hair 
- He is the world's strongest swordsman, who "sits at the top as the strongest of all (swordsmen)"
- Mihawk became famous before the Great Pirate Era even started
- He trained relentlessly for many years challenging more and more powerful foes, until he had no more worthy challengers
- Because of that, he became a Shichibukai to travel freely (after Roger's death), despite having no crew. He spends most of his time sailing for fun
- Originally, his epithet was going to be "Clairvoyant" (Senrigan)
- "He looks forward to the day a sword master will emerge to surpass even his rival, Red-Haired Shanks" (take that as you will)
- Confirmed as both an Armament and an Observation haki user


[Obrazek: 0086_-_Pearl_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0086_-_Pearl_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0494_-_Camie_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0494_-_Camie_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0495_-_Pappag_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0495_-_Pappag_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0496_-_Duval_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0496_-_Duval_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0509_-_Shakuyaku_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0509_-_Shakuyaku_B.JPG]

- She was a big pirate 40 years ago, but she retired
- It's implied that she's a very powerful individual
- She's Rayleigh's romantic partner
- She and Rayleigh helped the Boa sisters return home thanks to Gloriosa, a debt they are very grateful for
- She's very intelligent and likes to stay informed
- She like to have a look at the new generation and became a fan of Luffy's efforts
Cytat:Shakky's card :

Age 64
186 CM
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Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 09-01-2019, 21:41
Capone Bege

[Obrazek: 0510_-_Capone_Bege_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0510_-_Capone_Bege_B.JPG]

- His backstory in the West Blue mafias
- Talking about how he can become an impenetrable fortress
- Talking about how his devil fruit works
- Talking about how important his "family" is to him
Essence talks about his past and how he always tried to take the head of an organization and the joy he took in it, with after that sailing to sea and becoming a pirate. It also talks about his devil fruit, not much new that I can see, at least at first glance
Gallery shows an early prototype of the Nostra Castello as well a shim as a kid and genderbent
- ?? He becomes a leader of a family in West Blue
- ?? He becomes a pirate
- ?? He gets his 138,000,000 bounty
- 2 years ago He arrives at Sabaody
- ?? His bounty increases to 300,000,000
- 1 year ago He joins the Big Mom Pirates
- ?? He marries Chiffon and has Pez
- Now The assassination attempt fails
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Jewelry Bonney

[Obrazek: 0511_-_Jewelry_Bonney_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0511_-_Jewelry_Bonney_B.JPG]

Cytat:Jewelry Bonney
'I will never... never forgive you!'
Debut: Volume 51 ch 498
Name: 'Big Eater' Jewelry Bonney
Worst Generation
Bonney Pirates - Captain
Sex: Female
Affiliate ship: ?
Birthday: 1 September
Age: 24 (presumed)
Height: 174cm
Sign: Virgo
Blood type: F
Origin: South Blue
Favourite food: Margarita Pizza
Bounty: 140 million

The lone female of the Worst Generation, the Big Eater who can alter anyone's age at will!
Leader of the Bonney Pirates and only female among the Worst Generation. The masculine but beautiful Bonney is able to eat more than most men. She possesses a mysterious ability that allows her to change one's age as she pleases, but also excels in infiltration and intelligence gathering. Even though she is a woman, she is skilled enough to survive in the Grand Line. Her origins are shrouded in mystery and she was once placed under surveillance by the World Government. Will her true form shake the world?

Tenacity towards her goal!
Seeing Kuma had been completely changed, she vows to take revenge on an unknown number of people. What is her real goal?

When transformed into an old woman, she resembles the Queen Dowager of the Solbe Kingdom
She transformed from Queen Connie into the pirate Bonney! She has infiltrated the heart of the Holy City!
She can change her own, as well as others' ages

Gallery Memo
She's always pictured with food and a broad hat. A fitting design for infilitration

Before ?? Born in the South Blue
Before ?? Fled from the World Government
Before ?? Formed the Bonney Pirates
Before ?? Gained a bounty of 140 million
Before 02 Defeated by Blackbeard and captured by Sakazuki
Before ?? Escaped Marine HQ
Before 00 Snuck into Mariejoa
- She does indeed share some relationship with Kuma, as he was the reason she infiltrated Mariejois. She swears to take revenge on a certain group of people
- The card claims that as an old woman, Bonney bore a striking resemblance to the famous queen Connie (if the two are related, if she's really Connie, or anything else, isn't specified. But Connie appears to be a person)
- She has some sort of past with the WG
- When Akainu captured her, she was taken to Marine Headquarters. However, she was able to make her escape, though her crewmates weren't as lucky
- Her powers revolved around manipulating the ages of anybody she wishes, including herself. It's not specified what causes this ability (though it could still totally be a devil fruit, it simply doesn't say it)
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Basil Hawkins

[Obrazek: 0512_-_Basil_Hawkins_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0512_-_Basil_Hawkins_B.JPG]

- His fruit has a limit of 10 lethal attacks for his strawmen, which can be restored. He literally places the living essences of his subordinates inside his dolls
- He blindly believes in his cards, as he is sure they always tell the truth
- His card powers are a bit of a gamble, but the ones with positive effects can grant unimaginable powers
- Incredibly calm, he prefers to avoid conflict and noisy people
Cytat:Basil Hawkins
'I see the shadow of death is upon you.'
Debut: Volume 51 ch 498
Name: 'Magician' Basil Hawkins
Devil Fruit: Straw Straw Fruit
Worst Generation
Hawkins Pirates Captain

Sex: Male
Affiliate ship: ?
Birthday: 9 Sept
Age: 31
Height 210cm
Sign: Virgo
Blood type: S
Origin: North Blue
Favourite food: Chicken rice
Bounty: 320 million

He predicts the future and scatters curses! The magician with a quiet but bottomless ambition!
Hawkins prides himself on his predictions, which have a high rate of coming true. He believes so strongly in his predictions, so no matter what happens, he remains still and does not show emotion. He is determined to leave his actions up to fate.
In battle, he places others' lives into strawmen and carry them inside his body. His cruel ability allows him to make them absorb his damage. He can create a giant straw man, transform into a straw man and curse his surroundings, among other things. A mysterious power, the limits of which have not yet been seen.

If he stores a maximum of 10 dolls, he can evade death 10 times.
He can display various abilities according to the cards he draws. There are risks but it's also possible to gain a power exceeding one's limits.
He always keeps a calm composure, avoiding useless conflict and rowdiness.

Gallery Memo
Although his cool expression hasn't changed, his hairstyle, clothes, hat and other details have.

Before ?? Forms the Hawkins Pirates
Before ?? Gains a bounty of 249 million
Before 02 Arrives at Sabaody as a Supernova
Before ?? Bounty rises to 320 million
Before 00 Forms an alliance with Kid and Apoo
Before 00 Came to serve under Kaido, the Yonko
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Eustass Kid

[Obrazek: 0513_-_Eustass_Kid_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0513_-_Eustass_Kid_B.JPG]

- He aims to be the most violent pirate out there. He does so as an act of rebellion towards the scum that rule the world
- He rules over his crew with evil charisma
- During the timeskip he lost his arm in a fight, as he got very involved in many conflicts
- Him and Killer are childhood friends. Together, they formed the Kid Pirates
- It's confirmed that he has a devil fruit that revolves around magnetism
Cytat:Eustass Kid

Debut: Vol. 51 Ch. 498
Epithet: Eustass "Captain Kidd"

Kid Pirates

Gender: Male
Bday: Jan. 10
Age: 23 years old
Height: 205 cm.
Zodiac: Capricorn
Bloodtype: Type F
Hometown: South Blue
Likes: Meat stuffed cabbage roll
Bounty: 470 million
V.A.: Daisuke Namikawa

23 years ago: Born in South Blue
??: Established Kidd Pirates with Killer
??: Gained a bounty of 315 million
2 years ago: Entered the New World
??: Bounty rose to 470 million
0 years: Formed an alliance with Apoo and Hawkins
0 years: Defeated and was imprisoned by Kaido
Cytat:Eustace Kid
'Whether you live or die, those without resolve shouldn't be on this ocean!'
Debut: Vol 51 ch 498
Name: Eustace Captain Kid
Worst Generation
Sex: Male
Affiliate ship: ?
Birthday: 1 October
Age: 23
Height: 205cm
Sign: Capricorn
Blood type: F
Origin: South Blue
Favourite food: Cabbage roll
Bounty: 470 million
Kid Pirates Captain

The violent, hot blooded leader of the Kid Pirates, the 'Captain'!
Even among the Supernovas, later known as the Worst Generation, Eustace 'Captain' Kid is particularly violent and aggressive. Leading the rough and violent Kid pirates into the New World, he aims to be at the very top of 'evil' pirates. It is his way of scoffing at this world which is ruled only by trash. That is Kid's cynical identity.

He is the type to rule with violent charisma. That is his relationship with his men as 'Captain'.

He is a devil fruit user able to control magnetic force at will! The metal in his surrounding can be called to his aid and turned into a powerful weapon! 

His left arm
After entering the New World, Kid engaged in battles day and night, costing him many injuries and his left arm. Currently it has been replaced by an artificial arm. 

Gallery Memo
From his initial sketches, you can see how his hairstyle and clothes developed into that of a boss. However his face seems to have been decided from the beginning.

Before 23 Born in South Blue
Before ?? Kid and Killer formed the Kid Pirates 
Before ?? Gains a bounty of 315 million
Before 02 They enter the New World
Before ?? His bounty rises to 470 million!!
Before 00 Forms a pirate alliance with Apoo and Hawkins
Before 00 Is defeated by Kaido and imprisoned
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Scratchmen Apoo

[Obrazek: 0514_-_Scratchmen_Apoo_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0514_-_Scratchmen_Apoo_B.JPG]

- He is confirmed to have a devil fruit that allows him to create sound with his body
Cytat:Scratchmen Apoo

Debut: Vol. 51 Ch. 498
Epithet: "Roar of the Sea" Scratchmen Apoo
Clan: Long Arm Tribe

On-Air Pirates

Gender: Male
Bday: March 9
Age: 31 years old
Height: 256 cm.
Zodiac: Pisces
Bloodtype: Type XF
Hometown: Grand Line
Likes: Tom Yum Goong (Thailand Dish)
Bounty: 350 million
V.A.: Mitsuaki Madono

His devil fruit altered his whole body into different musical instruments which can be used to attack his enemies with sound.

??: Gained a bounty of 198 million
2 years ago: Arrived at Sabaody Archipelago
2 years ago: Fought Kizaru
??: Bounty rose to 350 million
0 years: Formed an alliance with Kidd and Hawkins
0 years: Encountered Kaido then joined under his protection!?
<div class="ui divider"></div>
X Drake

[Obrazek: 0515_-_X_Drake_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0515_-_X_Drake_B.JPG]

- He challenged Kaido with the intention to join him from the very beginning, he desired to become his subordinate at all costs for an unknown reason
- He knows of inside marine information, such as the pacifista project
- He was particularly interested in Law and Luffy's alliance when their success against Doflamingo was reported in the newspapers
Cytat:X Drake
Debut: Vol. 51 Ch. 498
Epithet: "Red Flag" X-Drake
Former Marine Officer

Gender: Male
Bday: Oct. 24
Age: 33 years old
Height: 233 cm.
Zodiac: Libra
Bloodtype: Type X
Hometown: North Blue
Likes: Chicken Rice
Bounty: 222 Million
V.A.: Eiji Takemoto

13 years ago: Escaped from Minion Island
??: Joined the Navy
??: Quit the Navy
2 years ago: Attacked Kaido's Territory
??: Joined under the protection of Kaido
0 years ago: Taked Caribou.
Cytat:X Drake
Debut: Vol 51 ch 498
Name: 'Red Flag' X Drake
Worst Generation
Former navy officer
Drake Pirates Captain

Sex: Male
Affiliate ship: ?
Birthday: 24 October
Age: 33
Height: 233cm
Sign: Libra
Blood type: X
Origin: North Blue
Favourite food: Chicken rice
Bounty: 222 million

The fallen Rear Admiral who secretly operates in the New World!
A member of the Worst Generation. Since he was a child he aimed to join the marines, rising to the rank of rear admiral, but eventually defected and became a pirate; truly an extraordinary past. Because of this, he has detailed inside knowledge about the government, and showed surprise at the development of the pacifista. 

More than a year ago, he joined the yonko Kaido as his subordinate and serves him in the country of Wano. He defeated the samurai of Amigasa Village and laid waste to it. This was part of his duty as a 'Headliner', carrying out secretive operations.

He seemed more focused on the news of Law and Luffy's alliance than on Doflamingo's downfall. 

He came into Kaido's territory with the intention of working under the yonkou by any means possible.

As a former member of the navy, he has knowledge about government ideology and weaponry.

Connection to Doflamingo
The young drake was with his father at Minion Island, his father having planned to sell the Ope Ope no Mi. Luckily he managed to escape from Birdcage...

Before 13 Escaped from Minion Island
Before ?? Joined the navy
Before ?? Left from the navy
Before 02 Attacked Kaido's territory
Before ?? Started working under Kaido
Before 00 Took Caribou away
<div class="ui divider"></div>

[Obrazek: 0516_-_Urouge_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0516_-_Urouge_B.JPG]

Debut: Vol 51, ch 498
Worst Generation
High Priest of the Fallen Monk Pirates
Sex: Male
Affiliate ship: ?
Birthday: 1 August
Age: 47
Height: 388cm
Sign: Leo
Blood Type: S
Origin: Sky Island
Favourite Food: Azuki, Pork
Bounty: 108 million

The destructive monk that takes enemies' attacks and repays them back in full!
One of the 11 Supernovas with a bounty exceeding 100 million who traversed the Grand Line at the same time as Luffy and the others. Unbefittingly for a monk, he loves to get into fights, hence the name of 'Fallen Monk'. Along with the other Supernovas, Urouge and his Fallen Monk Pirates passed through Sabaody Archipelago and into the New World. Very recently he defeated one of Big Mom's officers, winning himself a dazzling victory.

After taking a fair bit of damage, he begins to counterattack! He can increase the size of his torso so much that he looks like a totally different person. 

After escaping the Big Mom Pirates' pursuit, he rested on a sky island. He was concerned about how he/the crew would be able to move. 

A pirate born on a sky island
It's rare for them to live as pirates on the blue sea since they rarely interact with one another. Does he have some kind of goal in mind...?

Gallery Memo
Child Urouge has the same hairstyle as adult male Skypeians. He's also carrying a mineral that didn't originally exist on Sky Island. Is this cut important to discovering the mysteries of Urouge!?

Before ?? Descended to the Blue Sea and became a pirate
Before ?? Gained a bounty of 108 million
Before 02 Gained the title of Supernova
Before 02 Arrived in the New World
Before 00 Defeated an officer of the Big Mom Pirates, one of the 4 Commanders
Debut: Vol. 51 Ch. 498
Epithet: "Mad Monk" Urouge

Gender: Male
Bday: Aug. 1
Age: 47 years old
Height: 388 cm.
Zodiac: Leo
Bloodtype: Type S
Hometown: Sky Island
Likes: Red beans, Pork
Bounty: 180 million
V.A.: Taiten Kusunoki

He has the abilty to changed the damage he acquired into his own power.

??: Descended to the Blue Sea and became a pirate
??: Gained a bounty of 180 million
2 years ago: Became one of the Supernova
2 years ago: Entered the New World
0 years ago: Defeated one of the Four Sweet commanders of Big Mom
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[Obrazek: 0517_-_Killer_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0517_-_Killer_B.JPG]


Debut: Vol. 51 Ch. 498
Epithet: "Massacre Soldier" Killer

Kidd Pirates

Gender: Male
Bday: Feb. 2
Age: 27 years old
Height: 195 cm.
Zodiac: Aquarius
Bloodtype: Type X
Hometown: South Blue
Likes: Peperoncino (pasta)
Bounty: 200 million
V.A.: Kenji Hamada

??: Spend his childhood with Kidd
??: Joined Kidd Pirates
??: Gained a bounty of 162 million
2 years ago: Became one of the Supernova
2 years ago: Entered the New World
??: Bounty rose to 200 million
0 years ago: Successfully formed an alliance with Hawkins and On-Air Pirates
<div class="ui divider"></div>
Trafalgar D. Water Law

[Obrazek: 0518_-_Trafalgar_Law_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0518_-_Trafalgar_Law_B.JPG]

- He's both the captain and doctor of the Heart Pirates
- He named his crew after Corazón, both as a nod to his name and because he "changed his heart" for the better
- Oda tried different designs for Law's hat before settling on his current one
Cytat:Skill 01: Room.
Skill 02: Amputate.
Skill 03: Chambres.
Skill 04: Scan.
Skill 05: Mes.
Skill 06: Takt.
Skill 07: Countershock.
Skill 08: Radio Knife.
Skill 09: Injection Shot.
Skill 10: Sterben.
Skill 11: Gamma Knife.
Cytat:Trafalgar Law
'Weaklings don't get to choose the way they die.'
Debut: Volume 51 ch498
Name: 'Surgeon of Death' Trafalgar Law
Fruit: Ope Ope no Mi
Haki: Observation, Armament
Worst Generation
Former 7 Warlords
Heart Pirates - Captain

Sex: Male
Affiliate ship: Polar Tang
Birthday: 6 October
Age: 26
Height: 191cm
Sign: Libra
Blood type: F
Origin: Flevance, North Blue
Favourite foods: Onigiri, fried fish
Bounty: 500 million
Voice actor: Hiroshi Kamiya

One who overcame the fate of the White Town and swore vengeance for his late benefactor!
Law was born in the doomed town of Flevance, losing his family and hometown at the age of 10 and contracting Amber Lead poisoning. He had only 3 years left to live and had fallen into the depths of despair, but Corazon saved him. Law survived thanks to the Ope Ope no Mi he received from Corazon and formed the Heart Pirates. He vowed to spend the rest of his life avenging Corazon, targeting his older brother Doflamingo. The one that had taken his life away.

The Origin of the Name of the Heart Pirates
The Heart was originally Corazon's symbol. He chose it to pay respect to the man who had saved his life and his heart. 

Even though he's the captain, he's also the ship's doctor. Did he just choose to save Luffy's life on a whim?

He bisected Vergo, who used to outrank him, in a single slice! With that he set the new era in motion.

The usually calm and serious Law gets fired up when it comes to Doflamingo!

Gallery Memo
Kid Law
Genderbent Law
Although they always intended him to have a very sinister look in his eyes, they had to trial several possible designs for his hat.

Before 16 Joined the Donquixote Family
Before 13 Gained the abilities of the Ope Ope no Mi
Before ?? Formed the Heart Pirates
Before ?? Gained a bounty of 200 million
Before ?? His bounty rose to 440 million
Before 01 Joined the Royal 7 Warlords
Before 00 Formed an alliance with the Straw Hats
Before 00 Because of his role in fighting at Dressrosa, his bounty rose to 500 million!!


[Obrazek: 0520_-_Bepo_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0520_-_Bepo_B.JPG]

<div class="ui divider"></div>
Cytat:1. S type
Usopp, Robin, Roger, Yasopp, Makino, Alvida, Helmeppo, Kuina, Koushirou, Mohji, Demaro Black, Manjaro,
Duval, Bege, Hawkins, Urouge, Bepo, Tamanegi, Jango, Carne, Gin, Mihawk

2. F type
Luffy, Jinbe, Vivi, Reiju, Lucky Roo, Koby, Buggy, Boodle, 
Bonney, Kid, Law, Kaya, Pearl

3. X type
Nami, Chopper, Brook, Beckman, Higuma, Cabaji, Chocolat, Cocoa, Turco,
Camie, Shakky, Drake, Killer, Ninjin, Kuro, Sham, Buchi, Patty

4. XF type
Zoro, Franky, Crocus, Shanks, Morgan, Mounblutain, Drip,
Pappag, Apoo, Rayleigh, Piiman, Zeff, Krieg

5. S RH- type
Sanji, Splash, Splatter, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji
<div class="ui divider"></div>
Silvers Rayleigh

[Obrazek: 0531_-_Silvers_Rayleigh_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0531_-_Silvers_Rayleigh_B.JPG]

- After seeing Luffy go so far for his brother's sake in the war of the best, he made the decision to train him
- Even at his age, his power is immense. His armament haki is strong enough to block an admiral (referring to when he stopped Kizaru)
- He's very skilled at analyzing any situation and possesses a lot of knowledge
- He's spending his days in the Sabaody Archipelago as part of his retirement
Cytat:Silvers Rayleigh
'Don't pick the buds before they sprout. Their era has only just begun!'
Debut: Volume 51, ch 500
Name: 'Dark King' Rayleigh
Haki: Observation, Armament, Conquerors
Former Pirate King's Crew
Coating mechanic

Sex: Male
Affiliate ship: Oro Jackson
Birthday: 13 May
Age: 78
Height: 188cm
Sign: Taurus
Blood type: XF
Origin: ?
Favourite foods: cooked beans
Bounty: ?

The former vice captain of the Roger Pirates! The man known as the Pirate King's right hand!
He once stood at the Pirate King's side, the man feared as the Dark King Rayleigh. He learned all there is to know about the world and experienced his sworn friend's death, and now raises strong youngsters, awaiting the rise of a new generation. He lives out his retirement in the Sabaody Archipelago.
Now the time has come. His former subordinate Red Hair entrusted his left arm and straw hat to a boy named Luffy, whose dream is to be freer than anyone. After he risked it all to save his brother, yet still lost him, Rayleigh decided to dedicate his all to the boy.
His armament haki is strong enough to hold back an admiral

'Dark King'
Those who challenge him get a one way ticket to hell. Even in his old age, his strength is unmistakable.
He formerly supported the Pirate King; his uncanny ability to analyse any situation remains strong til today.
Meeting his sworn friend Roger completely changed Rayleigh's destiny.
He spent warm days adventuring with Red Hair and the others, and 2 years with Luffy.

Before ?? His house burned down and he started living on a boat.
Before ?? Fateful meeting with Gol D Roger
Before ?? Roger Pirates are formed
Before 25 Conquered the Grand Line
Before 25 Roger Pirates disbanded
Before 24 The Great Age of Piracy begins
Before 02 Became Monkey D Luffy's teacher
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[Obrazek: EX_Characters_Vol._1_A.JPG][Obrazek: EX_Characters_Vol._1_B.JPG][Obrazek: EX_Characters_Vol._2_A.JPG][Obrazek: EX_Characters_Vol._2_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: vivre-card-databook-2-1.png?w=723][Obrazek: vivre-card-databook-2-21.png?w=723][Obrazek: vivre-card-databook-2-21.png?w=723][Obrazek: vivre-card-databook-2-4.png?w=723][Obrazek: vivre-card-databook-2-5.png?w=723][Obrazek: vivre-card-databook-2-6.png?w=723][Obrazek: vivre-card-databook-2-7.png?w=723][Obrazek: vivre-card-databook-2-8.png?w=723][Obrazek: vivre-card-databook-2-9.png?w=723]

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trzy cytaty do poprzednich kart:
Cytat:Postskip Sanji
Casting away his destiny as a child of warmongers, he spreads his wings and flies towards the heights of cooking!
After enduring two years of hell in Kamabakka Kingdom, Black Leg Sanji has finally gained the secret art of Newkama Kenpo, the 99 Battle Recipes! Even though he was caught by the past he'd discarded, the Vinsmoke family's fate, he managed to reunite with the Straw Hats. Reaching even greater heights, Sanji continues to display his talent in satisfying the palettes of Nami, Robin and the other guys as a top class cook. He will use the kick techniques he has honed to smash through any obstacle that stands in his nakama's way!

Sanji smashes into his enemies with a blazing heart and the spontaneous combustion of Diable Jambe!
Even in battle he will not sully his sacred hands. That is the pride of a cook.

The Vinsmoke Family
Sanji's reaction in front of beautiful women might have something to do with his Vinsmoke blood...

Gallery Memo
During the timeskip we experimented with 'which eye should be shown/covered up' in terms of his hairstyle.
Cytat:He advances the Great Age of Piracy, the boss 'Red Hair'!
One of the Four Emperors who rule the New World. Formerly an apprentice with the Roger Pirates, he went on to compete ruthlessly with Hawk-Eyes and came to stand on equal terms with Whitebeard. 'Red Hair' has become the subject of countless legends, but contrary to his fame, he is the pirate that most embodies freedom. If being Pirate King means being the freest man on the seas, then perhaps it could be said that Shanks is the closest to the throne. 

A long-held, cherished blade. It has the strength to stop a magma fist and the elegance of a gryphon. 
Depending on how Shanks feels, he can start a party anywhere!
Whether someone was a rival or a compatriot doesn't matter. He will pay respect when respect should be paid.

Gallery Memo
As he is the pirate that Luffy looks up to, Shanks has come a long way from his initial design.
First appearance: volume 3, chapter 23
Name: "God" Usopp
Fruit: -
Haki: kenbunshoku
Surname: -
Misc: -
Sex: Male
Ship: Thousand Sunny-gou
DOB: 4/1
Age: 19 y.o.
Height: 176cm
Zodiac sign: Aries
Blood type: S
Place of origin: East Blue, Syrup Village
Favorite foods: pacific saury from an autumn island, loves seasonal fish
Bounty: 200 million beli
Seiyuu: Kappei Yamaguchi
karty Sanjiego i Usoppa - strona 4, post 49
karta Shanksa - strona 4, post 50
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Dejo, 10-01-2019, 13:47
Booster Pack 03/04


[Obrazek: 0057_-_Gaimon_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0057_-_Gaimon_B.JPG]

Cytat:Gaimon's ship was called Machina Hallelujah, he is 130cm, 45 years old and his blood type is X. Hails from East Blue, his favorite food is melons found on the Island or Rare Animals.


[Obrazek: 0071_-_Yosaku_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0071_-_Yosaku_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0072_-_Johnny_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0072_-_Johnny_B.JPG]

Cytat:Johnny and Yusaku ship :
Bounty Maru


[Obrazek: 0093_-_Nezumi_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0093_-_Nezumi_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0094_-_Arlong_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0094_-_Arlong_B.JPG][Obrazek: 0094_-_Arlong_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0094_-_Arlong_B.JPG]

Cytat:The Arlong Park was once designed as an aquarium in Oda's rough sketches.

Arlong's favorite food is roasted whole cow.


[Obrazek: 0097_-_Nojiko_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0097_-_Nojiko_B.JPG]

Cytat:- Nami and Nojiko were picked up by Belle-mere at "Oykot" Kingdom, East blue (reverse of Tokyo) 20 years ago.

Cytat: Nami and Nojiko are from "Oykot Kingdom" (オイコット王国) in the East Blue. Bell-mère saw two little girls when she almost gave up on her life in the battlefield, and brought them back to the Cocoyasi Village.
"Oykot" might be a reference to Tokyo.


[Obrazek: 0098_-_Genzo_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0098_-_Genzo_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0102_-_Chew_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0102_-_Chew_B.JPG]

Cytat:Chew's bounty is 5.5 million Belis.


[Obrazek: 0103_-_Kuroobi_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0103_-_Kuroobi_B.JPG]

Cytat:""In the character reference, he's described as the No. 2 and he's a character that was created to specifically fill the role of second in command in the arlong pirates."
Cytat:Kuroobi's bounty is 9 million Belis.

Cytat:In Oda's settings, Kuroobi is the No.2 of Arlong Pirates. 


[Obrazek: 0107_-_Bellemere_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0107_-_Bellemere_B.JPG]

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Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 10-01-2019, 14:43

[Obrazek: 0118_-_Ipponmatsu_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0118_-_Ipponmatsu_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0122_-_Smoker_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0122_-_Smoker_B.JPG]

Cytat:Smoker's Vivre Card:

Holds steadfast to his justice come hell or high water!!
Marine HQ Vice Admiral - “White Hunter”

The man that manipulates smoke at will with the ability of the “Smoke Smoke” fruit.

After he was promoted to the position of “Marine HQ Captain”, and assigned the responsibility to govern “Logue Town”, not even once had he ever let a pirate out of his grasps. However, he was unable to capture “Luffy”, and entered the Grandline.

In Alabasta, he realised just how powerless he was, and was forced to feel intense anger towards the marine system.

In order to abolish the Shichibukai (i.e. 7 warlords of the sea) system currently in place and persevere with his justice till the very end amongst other things, he personally applied to be transferred to the G5 marine base, and was able to rise up to the very apex of the base by acquiring the position of Vice Admiral!!

From the very moment he entered into the Marine ranks, he’s been notorious for baring his fangs at his superior officers and as result, widely came to be known as “Wild Dog”

So as to not be indebted to Luffy, he deferred the capture of his (Luffy’s) crew and let them go.

This is the back of a man who not only holds stedfast to his justice, but also carries the lives of each and everyone of his subordinates.

-> Character Memo:
Smoker’s notorious younger days…but there’s a dog by his left! Be it now or then, he fights for whatever he protects.

-> History
Before 24 -> watches the execution of the pirate king “Gol D. Roger”
before ?? -> joins the ranks of the marines
Before ?? -> assigned the position of Marine Captain
Before ?? -> was assigned the responsibility to govern “Logue Town”
Before 02 -> he rejects honours for taking down crocodile
Before 02 -> promoted to the position of “Commodore”
Before ?? -> became responsible for the handling of G5 and was made was promoted to the position of “Vice Admiral” afterwards.

-> Character Bio
First Appearance: Volume 11 - Chapter 98
Name: White Hunter Smoker
Devil Fruit: Smoke Smoke Fruit
Haki: Armament, Observation
Tribe: No entry
Gender: Male
Affiliate Ship: No entry
Birthday: March 14th
Age: 36
Height: 209cm
Constellation: Taurus
Blood Type: XF
Place of Origin: Grand line
Favourite Dish: Smoked Chicken


[Obrazek: 0124_-_Tashigi_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0124_-_Tashigi_B.JPG]

Cytat:Tashigi’s Vivre Card:

Will risk her life to recover the meitou - named swords!
The female swordsman with an abundance of knowledge on swords!!

The serious but slightly air-headed female swordsman!!
Even though she’s quite young, she quickly rose to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer and was stationed at Logue Town with her superior officer Smoker. She loves swords and declares the recovery of the all named swords around the world as her goal. Her appearance and even her way of thinking mirrors that of Kuina's so she has a fated relationship with Zoro. Holding her frustrations from Alabasta very close to her heart, after the events of Alabasta, all the whilst sharpening her skills, together with Smoker she chases after the Strawhat crew and heads to the New World. Even now after becoming a captain, in order to persist with her justice, she continues to devote herself.

Unable to enforce her justice, she cries out of frustration. Using it as a source of motivation, she goes in search of further strength.

By sharpening her skills as a swordsman and learning and acquiring Haki, she grew to the point where she can now fight against ability users.

Anytime she cross paths with Zoro with whom she is fated with, a quarrel ensues.

-> Shigure (Tashigi’s Sword)
Frequently taking it for maintenance at Ipponmatsu’s since two years ago, Tashigi’s excellent sword.

-> Character Memo
Tashigi’s very studious childish self, her gallant figure and her shy side are being depicted.

-> History 
Before ?? -> joins the marines
Before ?? -> assigned the rank of “Master Chief Petty Officer”
Before 02 -> participates in the battle at Alabasta
Before 02 -> gets promoted to the rank of “Ensign”
Before ?? -> becomes responsible for the handling of G5 and gets promoted to the position of “Captain” afterwards.

-> Character Bio:
First Appearance: Volume 11 - Chapter 98
Name: No entry
Devil Fruit: No entry 
Haki: Armament, Observation
Gender: Female
Affiliated Ship: No entry
Birthday: October 6th
Age: 23
Height: 170cm
Constellation: Libra
Blood Type: S
Place of Origin: East Blue
Favourite Dish: Hot Coffee

Monkey D. Dragon

[Obrazek: 0125_-_Monkey_D._Dragon_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0125_-_Monkey_D._Dragon_B.JPG]

Cytat:Monkey D. Dragon's favorite food is "bocadito". It is a type of "bite size" Cuban snack.

Dragon is 55 years old.
Garp is 78. Luffy is 19.
Garp was 23 when Dragon was born. Dragon was 36 when Luffy was born.
Cytat:3. The name of Revolutionary Army's flagship (the one with a dragon figurehead) is revealed. It is called "Wind Granma".
Wind → It's not English here, but German. "Wind" was used in names of a variety of German tanks back in WWII.
Granma → Spanish. It is the name of a yacht which carried 82 Cuban revolutionary fighters from Mexico to Cuba in 1956. Its owner was a Mexican businessman, and he lent it out to Fidel Castro. See the Wikipedia page.
Cytat:- Revo army's ship name is "Vinto Granma" / "Wind Granma" ( ヴィント・グランマ号 / Vuinto guranma-go)

- Granma is a ship used by the Cuban Revolutionaries in 1956 to overthrow the regime of Fulgencio Batista of Mexico.
Cytat:- Revolutionary Army has been around for more than 19 years.

- After witnessing the opening of the "great age of piracy" Dragon became a revolutionary.

- He then formed the "Revolutionary Army" with his comrades.

- Both Dragon and Sakazuki are 55 years old, Borsalino is 58 years old.

Plots to overthrow the world government.
“The world’s worst criminal”!!!

There’s a man who plots to overthrow the world government which is comprised of over 170 member nations. In spite of being born as the child of Garp, the hero of the marines, Dragon was awakened to his destiny as a revolutionary. Driven to take action by his indomitable sense of mission, he established the revolutionary army. Dragon places high values on discipline and sincerity, and rejects the euphoria that comes with victory from winning battles. This man that strives to right the wrongs of this world is currently being dubbed as the “world's worst criminal” by the leaders of each individual nation that comprise the world government and as result, is an object of fear to the world.

Even if his origins get exposed to the world, it wouldn’t even remotely dent the trust his companions have in him.

He aids his son Luffy’s departure to sea from the shadows.

A smile surfaces on his face, maybe he was reminiscing about the day he set out and went incognito once upon a time.

At the reverie eight years ago, he was already being labelled as a revolutionary with dangerous ideals and and each country had already started exercising caution towards him.

-> Loyalty to the revolutionary cause
From the point when he was just a regular citizen to the point he arrived at the postion of sovereign of a nation, all the people that have been compelled by dragon’s ideals are laying low and carrying out their responsibilities all over the world.

-> History
Before 55 -> born as Garp’s son
Before 24 -> witnesses the opening of the curtains of the great pirate age
Before ?? -> becomes a revolutionary
Before ?? -> establishes the revolutionary army with his comrades
Before 19 -> became a father (Luffy’s)
Before ?? -> gathers comrade in each region
Before ?? -> *dubbed as a conspirator of revolution by each member nation of the world government

-> Character Bio
Name: The world’s worst criminal
Gender: Male
Affiliate Ship: Vient Granma?
Birthday: October 5th
Age: 55
Height: 256cm
Constellation: Libra
Blood Type: F
Place of Origin: East Blue, Goa Kingdom
Favourite dish: Bocadito

Revo's ship is Wind Granma.
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Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 10-01-2019, 15:06

[Obrazek: 0537_-_Pacifista_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0537_-_Pacifista_B.JPG]

Cytat:- Pacifistas were made out of real human that's why they still bleed even though they're cyborgs.


[Obrazek: 0538_-_Borsalino_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0538_-_Borsalino_B.JPG]

Cytat:A side note from Vol. 1000: 
Hina (34) and Smoker (36) are among the last several students of Zephyr besides Ain and Binz. 
Borsalino (58) and Sakazuki (55) are his first students. 
Kuzan (49) is among the third wave of Zephyr's students. 
Cytat:Borsalino and Sakazuki are both from the North Blue.
They both joined the Marines 32 years ago. The fact that they joined the Marines in the same year was mentioned in One Piece Vol.1000.
Cytat:Borsalino: Ramen, Ginger, Bananas
Cytat:Sakazuki: "Absolute Justice
Kuzan: "Lazy Justice"
Borsalino: "Unclear Justice"
Cytat:Kizaru was a admiral in age 46

Always carries out his duties in an aloof manner
He who manipulates light, the marines fastest and third admiral!!

A light man who consumed the pika pika no mi - Light fruit
Kizaru can turn his body to light and can spam attacks at light speed.
Although Kizaru boasts overwhelming speed he speaks at a very comfortable/steady tone.
After observing Sakazuki’s “ruthless and thorough justice” and that which opposes it Kuzan’s “extremely laid-back/lazy justice”, he came up with his own “Not gonna use either justice” which gives him the most freedom and comfort. He adheres to instructions and carry’s out justice at his own pace.

He releases an infinite number of light bullets frontwards. It’s very efficient for blinding and attacking a large amount of enemies at once.

His ability is very effective for both evasion and movement, so it’s impossible to grasp even a single of his movements without being a proficient Haki user.

Japanese mythological theodicy:
It seems the origin of the name of the technique that Kizaru uses (天叢雲剣 - something sword..lolz..I’m shit at translating technique names) is from the so called three treasures that the the god that governs the sun “goddess amaterasu” bestowed.

-> Character Memo
The actor “takanaka kunie” is the model for Kizaru’s design so at the time of initial character designs, his design was already completed fro the most part. The character designs for his childhood version, his sex change version and even his characteristic drooping eyes have not been changed.

-> History 
Before 32 -> joins the marines
Before 12 -> imprisons arlong
Before ?? -> gets promoted to marine admiral
Before 02 -> engages in combat with rayleigh on shabondy.
Before 02 -> participates in the war of the best

-> Character Bio
Name: Kizaru
Devil Fruit: Pika Pika no Mi - Light Fruit
Haki: Armament, Observation
Gender: Male
Affiliate Ship: No entry
Birthday: November 23rd
Age: 58
Height: 302cm
Constellation: Sagittarius 
Blood Type: XF
Place of Origin: North Blue
Favourite Di


[Obrazek: 0541_-_Sentomaru_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0541_-_Sentomaru_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: 0571_-_Hannyabal_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0571_-_Hannyabal_B.JPG]

Cytat:Hannyabal is revealed to be 35 years old this year in the Vivre Card.
Cytat: Hannyabal: Tonkatsu


[Obrazek: 0575_-_Magellan_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0575_-_Magellan_B.JPG]

Cytat:Magellan: Poison soup, Pufferfish sashimi


[Obrazek: 0580_-_Saldeath_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0580_-_Saldeath_B.JPG]

Cytat:Saldeath is 18 years old this year, so he was 16 two years ago. 

Little Sadi

[Obrazek: 0582_-_Little_Sadi_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0582_-_Little_Sadi_B.JPG]

Cytat:- Sadi from impel down is 23 Years old - from grand line - 183 CM


[Obrazek: 0588_-_Inazuma_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0588_-_Inazuma_B.JPG]

Cytat:Inazuma is said to be "Ivankov's right-hand-man", and "will shoulder the responsibility of the Revolutionary Army's next generation".
Cytat:Inazuma is 29 years old, 228cm, blood type F, hails from South Blue, favorite food garlic shrimp.
Cytat:- Inazuma is Ivankov's right hand man

- Inazuma is 29 years old, he's responsible for the next generation of the Revolutionary Army.

Emporio Ivankov

[Obrazek: 0589_-_Emporio_Ivankov_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0589_-_Emporio_Ivankov_B.JPG]

Cytat:Emporio Ivankov card
A miracle worker that has overcome even gender!
The Queen at the very apex of Newkama!!

Iva is part of the executive committee of the revolutionary army and is the sovereign of Momoiro Kingdom which is often called the second isle of women.

By manipulating hormones, Iva can control gender, body temperature, pigmentation, height, tension etc.

Iva has overcome even gender and is truly - in every sense of the word, a new breed of the human species.

Iva is someone that will definitely respond to the enthusiasm/zeal/passion of others, is good at look out for people, added bon clay to the newkama family and is an existence that is adored by newkama folk.

Iva has the fearsome ability to forcefully change gender by injecting (his/her) special hormones.

-> Newkama Kempo Secret Technique: Bridal training
*To preserve the beauty of the the 99 vital recipes and 44 aesthetic techniques that strengthen those that have consumed it, there exist a variety of techniques.
*It’s exclusive to only practitioners of newkama kenpo, but Sanji was taught “Attack Cuisine”.

-> Character Memo
In each and every of Iva’s character designs, Iva has abnormally captivating eyes and gives off a sense of being an outlier (i.e. being different from the norm.)
Iva's makeup and head size are both excessive, and is enough to instil fear when remembered/thought back on.

Before ?? -> joins the revolutionary army
Before ?? -> promotion to executive member in revolutionary army
Before ?? -> was impriosned in impel down.
Before ?? -> establishes newkama land in impel down.
Before 02 -> escapes impel down
Before 02 -> takes in Sanji as a disciple/trains Sanji

-> Character Bio
Name: *something*~Emporio Ivankov (i.e. the *something* part is not legible enough for me to translate)
Devil Fruit: Horu Horu no Mi (Hormone Hormone fruit?)
Haki: no entry
Gender: Newkama
Affiliate Ship: no entry
Birthday: January 8th
Height: 449cm
Constellation: Goat
Blood Type: XF
Place of Origin: Grandline, Kamabakka Kingdom
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Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 10-01-2019, 15:38
(Oba zapisy można uznać za poprawne, bo widocznie Oda nie może się zdecydować Tongue)

[Obrazek: 0591_-_Shiliew_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0591_-_Shiliew_B.JPG]

Cytat:Right now, 7 of the 10 Titanic Captains of the Blackbeard Pirates have been revealed. New information is in bold font:

The 1st Ship: Jesus Burgess
The 2nd Ship: Shiliew
The 3rd Ship: ?
The 4th Ship: Avalo Pizzaro
The 5th Ship: Laffitte
The 6th Ship: Catarina Devon
The 7th Ship: Sanjuan Wolf
The 8th Ship: Basco Shot
The 9th Ship: ?
The 10th Ship: ?
Cytat:The name of Shiliew's sword is "Raiu" (雷雨). It means "thunderstorm" in Japanese.
Cytat:Shilew: Beef Steak (rare)
Cytat:- Blackbeard Pirates has ten titanic captains excluding Blackbeard.
1. Jesus Burgess
2. Shilew
3. ??
4. Avalo Pizaro
5. Laffitte
6. Catarina Devon
7. Sanjuan Wolf
8. Vasco Shot
9. ??
10. ??
We don't know yet what number is Van Augur and Doc Q, Regardless, there's still one unknown titanic captain.
Cytat:- Shilliew's sword name is Thunderstorm ( 名刀雷雨 / Meito Raiu)
Cytat:Shiryu card..

The ex-Chief Jailer that enjoys the thrill of manslaughter and betrayed “Justice”!!!

Shortly before the the outbreak of the war of the best, Shiryu was the Chief Jailer at Impel Down, and together with Megellan were often referred to as the "Impel down duo". His love for torture was considered to a problem, so he was relieved of his duties and was imprisoned in Level 6.

He was let out of his cage to suppress Luffy and the others who were plotting to escape Impel down but he rebelled soon after. He became a subordinate of Blackbeard, and switched over to being a pirate…!!!

After Blackbeard became a yonkou, as a central figure in the crew, Shiryu was assigned the role of fleet no 2’s captain.

At the moment he sheaths his beloved blade, he had already executed his fellow jailer comrades.

To not ever get reprimanded for his urge to kill, he’s been waiting on and hoping for the arrival of a big shot that would provide him with an ideal environment where he can freely trample upon and crush others.

He put a stop to all communications to Magellan. Even to Shiryu himself, Magellan is an existence to be feared.

After two years, he has acclimatised with the black beard pirates to the point where he was granted his own fleet.

Before ?? -> became the Chief Jailer of Impel Down
Before 02 -> he was confined in Level 6
Before 02 -> he became a member of the black beard pirates
Before 00 -> he was assigned the post of fleet no 2’s captain.

-> Character Bio
Gender: Male
Name: Shiryu of the Rain
Affiliate Ship: The bell of the beck
Birthday: June 11th
Age: 44
Height: 340cm
Constellation: Gemini
Blood type: X
Place of Origin: Grand line
Favourite Dish: Beef Stake (Rare)


[Obrazek: 0595_-_Sakazuki_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0595_-_Sakazuki_B.JPG]


Hate evil and thoroughly burn it all up to ash!!
The New fleet admiral that wields the power of magma!!

Chief of the marines that is unforgiving to any and all kinds of evil.
Regardless of whether they are allies or even regular members of society, he will take extreme measures to purge any and everyone that turns their back to his way of justice or has a has a tendency for evil. There are some who refuse to conform and are extremely dissatisfied with his way of justice, but by way of installing fear with his immense power and his meticulous beliefs, he holds marines together. Even amongst devil fruits, the ability to freely manipulate magma boasts the highest offensive capability/attack power.

Akainu is the perpetrator that dealt Ace the final blow and left an injury on Luffy’s body.

If it’s for the purpose of upholding the trust and the prestige of the marines, he’s a man that would snap at even the gorosei.

-> The Mobility of Magma
*The magma body can melt all impediments/obstacles and move through them.
*By erupting manga, if for just a short while, even flight is possible.

-> Gallery Memo
In his character designs, compared to his actual design, Sakazuki gives of an impression of being younger. However his sharp and powerful gaze is recurrent with all his designs.

-> History
Before 32 -> joins the marines
Before 22 -> participates in the buster call on ohara
Before ?? -> gets promoted to marine admiral
Before 02 -> participates and fights in the war of the best
Before 02 -> fights kuzan in a duel and wins
Before 02 -> gets promoted to marine fleet admiral

-> Character Bio
Name: Akainu
Devil Fruit: Magu Magu no mi - Magma fruit
Haki: Armament, Observation
Gender: Male
Affiliated Ship: no entry
Age: 55
Height: 306cm
Constellation: Lion
Blood Type: F
Place of Origin: North Blue
Cytat:" With his level of controlling and The ability to freely manipulate the Lava , Akainu has the most powerful attack between the devil fruits "

"Akainu has the greatest attack power among DF users"

Fleet Admiral Sakazuki has the strongest attacking Devil Fruit in the series.

Sanjuan Wolf

[Obrazek: 0648_-_Sanjuan_Wolf_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0648_-_Sanjuan_Wolf_B.JPG]

Cytat:Blackbeard's ship is Saber of the Seebeck.
Cytat:The Blackbeard Pirates' flagship is called Sabel of Xebec.
Sabel means "sword".
Xebec is a type of Mediterranean sailing ship used from the sixteenth to the nineteenth century.
Cytat:Sanjuan Wolf is from a Giant village in the West Blue. His height at the tallest is 180m. He is 99 years old so that's older than Hajrudin (81 y.o.) and Stansen, but still kinda close to their age group. He is a devil fruit user.
His stature is officially admitted to be even taller than Wadatsumi.
Cytat:Sanjuan Wolf: Grilled salted sea-king
Cytat:- Sanjuan Wolf height says "Up to 180 meters" (590 feet) which is much bigger than Oz and even Wadatsumi making him the largest creature.

- Sanjuan wolf's size is caused by the power of the devil fruit.
"With the effect of a devil fruit, Wolf's size surpassed the even the giants"
Cytat:- Blackbeard's Ship name is "Saber of Xebec" (サーベルオブジーベック号 / Saberu Obu Jibekku-go)

- A xebec, also spelled zebec, was a Mediterranean sailing ship that was used mostly for trading.

- San Juan Wolf comes from the Giants race.

- His height says "Up to 180 meters"
Cytat:West :Sanjuan wolf

Vasco Shot

[Obrazek: 0649_-_Vasco_Shot_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0649_-_Vasco_Shot_B.JPG]

Cytat:- Vaso shot known as the "Heavy drinker" is quite known among the prisoners in Level 6 of Impel down because his cases are "too cruel"
Cytat:Vasco Shot: Chinese Rice Wine
Cytat:Basco Shot's favorite type of booze is Shaoxing wine. Shaoxing is a city in China.
Shaoxing wine is a type of huangjiu (黄酒, yellow wine). 

Catarina Devon

[Obrazek: 0650_-_Catarina_Devon_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0650_-_Catarina_Devon_B.JPG]

Cytat:Catarina Devon is known as "Crescent Moon Hunter" because she is a pursuer of beauty. She hunts down good-looking young ladies, chops off their heads, and puts those heads into her collection. 
Cytat:Devon: Chicken meat
Cytat:- Catarina Devon has a hobby of collecting the "beautiful" heads of her victims.

- Her epithet "Crescent Moon Hunter" is a named feared by women around the world.

- Her choice of weapon is a "Whip"

- Catarina Devon Epithet is related to her beauty in hunting or her as hunting the beautiful women .

Avalo Pizarro

[Obrazek: 0651_-_Avalo_Pizarro_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0651_-_Avalo_Pizarro_B.JPG]

Cytat:- Avalo Pizaro known as the "Corrupt King" is indeed a king who once ruled a kingdom in North blue.

- With his madness and his way of governance, the citizens rebbelled against him and overthrow him
Cytat:Pizaro: Shark's fin soup
Cytat:Avalo Pizzaro once indeed was a king (kingdom in the North Blue).
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Wiek: 30
Licznik postów: 4,614

Dejo, 10-01-2019, 16:09
Fałszywi piraci Słomkowego Kapelusza

[Obrazek: 0680_-_Fake_Straw_Hat_Crew_A.JPG][Obrazek: 0680_-_Fake_Straw_Hat_Crew_B.JPG]


[Obrazek: EX_Characters_Vol._2_A.JPG][Obrazek: EX_Characters_Vol._2_B.JPG][Obrazek: EX_Characters_Vol._3_A.JPG][Obrazek: EX_Characters_Vol._3_B.JPG]

Cytat:Grand Line :


South :

Vasco Shot

East :


North :

Cytat:1. S type
Usopp, Robin, Roger, Yasopp, Makino, Alvida, Helmeppo, Kuina, Koushirou, Mohji, Demaro Black, Manjaro,
Duval, Bege, Hawkins, Urouge, Bepo, Tamanegi, Jango, Carne, Gin, Mihawk,
Nojiko, Bellemere, Tashigi, Hannyabal, Sadi chan, Sanjuan Wolf.

2. F type
Luffy, Jinbe, Vivi, Reiju, Lucky Roo, Koby, Buggy, Boodle, Bonney, Kid, Law, Kaya, Pearl
Yosaku, Johnny, Arlong, Genzo, Dragon, Sentoumaru, Saldeath, Inazuma, Catarina Devon, Sakazuki.

3. X type
Nami, Chopper, Brook, Beckman, Higuma, Cabaji, Chocolat, Cocoa, Turco, Camie, Shakky, Drake, Killer, Ninjin, Kuro, Sham, Buchi, Patty,
Gaimon, Chew, Ipponmatsu, Magellan, Shilliew, Vasco Shot, Avalo Pizarro.

4. XF type
Zoro, Franky, Crocus, Shanks, Morgan, Mounblutain, Drip, Pappag, Apoo, Rayleigh, Piiman, Zeff, Krieg,
Nezumi, Kuroobi, Smoker, Borsalino, Ivankov.

5. S RH- type
Sanji, Splash, Splatter, Ichiji, Niji, Yonji


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