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扉絵は世界の甲板からvol8 チョッパーの故郷サクラ王国
Cytat:Credits: YonkouProductions
Sanji looks pissed at the cuffs.
People near the capital “Sweet City” are reading the paper, there’s an article about Jinbei. After saying that he wanted to quit, he was scared at the “price” he needed to pay for that, and took his words back. They make fun of him as a spineless dumbass.
Pedro and Brook, in disguise, are among them and read the article too. There’s something weird about it. Pedro sees Pudding and baron Tamago looking at dresses. From Baron Tamago’s conversation with his subordinates, Brook understands that they know everything about the Strawhats’ movements.
North-East of Wholecake island, Pekoms is chained and chased to a cliff. His chasers are 22nd Daughter Bege yo wife, Charlotte Chiffon, and Bege’s little brother, Capone Gang Bejji. Pekoms is shot and falls off the cliff.
BM asks about the current state of research. Caesar thinks in his head that it’s impossible for magic-like medicine to make one’s body giant-like, but he lies and says that he would have completed it if Straw Hat and Law hadn’t interrupted him. He snivels that he would have completed it if they hadn’t trashed his laboratory.
BM: “I’ve already prepared a lab like the one on Punk Hazard. When can you complete it?”Caesar freezes in place.The person who takes him to his new lab and watches over him, eldest son Perosupero (play on peropero the word for licking and part of the word for lollipop and the name of his Devil fruit). He are the Pero Pero no Mi. He is a Candy Man.He has Caesar’s heart.
Perosupero: “2 weeks should be good for you to complete the medicine! Any longer than that, then I’ll have to make you into a candyman and taste you!
“Caesar: “I’m gonna be killed in two weeks! I have to do something!
“In The Seducing Forest”
Luffy: “What you guys do! Why have the number of you increased!?”
Wiek: 31
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Super świeżak
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Piracki wojownik
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